Bette Midler and Other Liberal Activists Call for Sex Strike Over Texas Abortion Law

Liberal actress, musician and activist Bette Midler has called for a sex strike over the new Texas abortion law — and she wasn’t the only one.

The law, which goes into effect this month, bans abortions after an ultrasound can detect a fetal heartbeat, which can occur as early as six weeks into pregnancy. There is an exemption only for cases of medical emergencies.

However, instead of the government enforcing the law, it will be enforced by private citizens who can now sue abortion providers or anyone who aids a woman getting an abortion after a fetal heartbeat has been detected. The citizen will not have to have a connection to the person who had the abortion or the provider in order to have standing to sue.

“I suggest that all women refuse to have sex with men until they are guaranteed the right to choose by Congress,” Midler tweeted.

Midler was not the only one calling for a strike in the bedroom.

In 2019, actress and activist Alyssa Milano had called for a similar sex strike over Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp signing a “Heartbeat” abortion bill into law.

“Until women have legal control over our own bodies we just cannot risk pregnancy,” the actress added. “JOIN ME by not having sex until we get bodily autonomy back. I’m calling for a #SexStrike. Pass it on.”

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