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“Department of Defense”

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    Senate Confirms Air Force, Navy Appointments Following Individual Votes
    Pentagon Announces Plans For a New Gravity Bomb
    Defense Department Agrees to Pay $1.8 Million For COVID Vaccine Mandate
    Senator Tuberville Will Maintain Military Promotion Blockade Despite Hamas-Israel Conflict
    House Agrees to Cut Secretary of Defense's Salary to $1
    Military Leaders Ask Senator Tommy Tuberville to End Confirmation Hold
    North Korea Says American Soldier Resented 'Inhuman Maltreatment and Racial Discrimination' in the Army
    Defense Secretary Says Sen. Tuberville’s Confirmation Holds are ‘Undermining America’s Military Readiness’
    U.S. Space Command Will Stay in Colorado
    US Commissions Navy Warship in Australia
    President Biden Selects Female Nominee to Lead Navy
    American Solider Reportedly Detained by North Korea After Fleeing Disciplinary Action
    Marine Corps Without Confirmed Leader as Officials Clash Over Defense Department's Abortion Travel Policy
    US Department of Defense Tracking Balloon Traveling Near Hawaii
    Government Accountability Office Says Low Military Recruitment Levels Are 'National Security Threat'
    Congressman Denounces Defense Department for Ending Catholic Pastoral Care Contract at Walter Reed
    Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Orders Health Care Changes in An Effort to Reduce Military Suicides
    US Defense Secretary Hasn't Spoken With Chinese Counterpart In 'A Couple Of Months'
    House Unanimously Passes Resolution Condemning China for Spy Balloon
    Lawmakers to Introduce Bill Capping Salaries of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Staff at the Defense Department
    West Point Removes Confederate Artifacts from Campus Including Robert E. Lee Portrait
    House Votes to End COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Military Branches