WATCH: Biden Snaps at Reporter Who Asked Why the Ukraine-FBI Informant File Referred to Him as 'the Big Guy'

President Joe Biden snapped at a reporter who asked him why he was referred to as “the big guy” by a Burisma executive at the center of bribery allegations against him and his son Hunter.

Biden was speaking to reporters about “junk fees” after meeting with executives from Live Nation, Airbnb, and other companies at the White House on Thursday.

“Why did the Ukraine-FBI informant file refer to you as ‘the Big Guy’?” a reporter asked the president.

“Why’d you ask such a dumb question?” Biden snapped.

An FBI informant has alleged that Joe and Hunter Biden each received $5 million in bribes from Ukrainian oligarchs during his vice presidency.

Biden’s ties to Ukraine, specifically Burisma, have been questioned since it was revealed that Hunter Biden was heavily paid to sit on the company’s board — despite his lack of experience in the energy sector.

It has been alleged that during his time as Vice President, Joe Biden pushed for firing Ukraine’s top prosecutor — as he was leading an investigation into Burisma.

“According to a ‘highly credible’ whistleblower, an internal FD-1023 memo created in 2020 based off information from a highly-paid FBI informant apparently details a $5 million ‘arrangement’ for an exchange of money for policy decisions between then-Vice President Joe Biden and a foreign national,” the Daily Mail reported on June 13.

The report continued to say that an unnamed source confirmed “that the foreign national – an executive from Ukrainian gas company Burisma Holdings Limited – referred to Joe Biden as the ‘Big Guy’ according to the 1023 form.”

In messages on Hunter Biden’s laptop, which leaked after it was abandoned at a computer repair shop, the president’s son complained that he always needed to give ten percent of his business deals to “the Big Guy.”

Speaking on the Senate floor on Monday, Sen. Chuck Grassley said that the FD-1023 document he viewed showed “the foreign national who allegedly bribed Joe and Hunter Biden allegedly has audio recordings of his conversations with them—17 such recordings.”

“According to the 1023, the foreign national possesses 15 audio recordings of phone calls between him and Hunter Biden,” Sen. Grassley continued. “According to the 1023, the foreign national possesses two audio recordings of phone calls between him and then-Vice President Joe Biden.”

The senator also asserted that the FBI form “indicates that then-Vice President Joe Biden may have been involved in Burisma employing Hunter Biden.”

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