Republican Presidential Candidate Chris Christie Says Parents Should Decide if Children Get Sex Change Surgeries

Republican presidential candidate and former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has come out opposing bans on sex changes for children.

Christie said during an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper that parents should be able to decide if their child is subjected to sex change drugs, hormones, or surgeries.

“I don’t think that the government should ever be stepping into the place of the parents in helping to move their children through a process where those children are confused or concerned about their gender,” said Christie. “The parents are the people who are best positioned to make these judgments.”

“What I’d like to make sure each state does is require that parents be involved in these decisions,” he continued.

Despite bans on allowing minors to get tattoos or drink alcohol, Christie said that the government should not have any role in making life altering “key decisions” for minors.

Christie stated, “Folks who are under the age of 18 should have parental support and guidance and love as they make all of the key decisions of their life, and this should not be one that’s excluded by the government in any way.”

During an interview with Fox & Friends’ Brian Kilmeade, Christie also commented on this issue. He also took his stance a step further and criticized governors who have banned sex changes for minors in their states.

“It’s more of a parent’s decision than a governor’s decision for goodness sakes, Brian,” Christie said. “You really think that Sarah Huckabee Sanders should be making this decision for children in Arkansas?”

Opponents of childhood sex changes have argued that even non surgical options can leave the child sterilized for life.

“I love Sarah. I think she’s a great person and a really good governor,” he added. “But I don’t think she would ever allow the government to substitute her judgment as a mother for their judgment.”

The Hill notes that “While governor of New Jersey, Christie in 2017 signed laws allowing transgender students to use school facilities that match their gender identity and prohibiting health insurers and Medicaid from discriminating on the basis of gender identity.”

The issue is shaping up to be a top priority in the Republican primary.

Former President Donald Trump has vowed federal legislation to ban sex changes for minors in every state.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has already signed legislation in his state to ban minors from puberty blockers, hormone replacement therapy or surgeries.

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