American Girl Doll Company Under Fire for Kids Book Promoting Puberty Blockers, Hiding 'Gender Identity' From Parents

The American Girl brand, best known for its iconic dolls, is under fire for a new book promoting puberty blockers and hiding your “gender identity” from parents.

The book titled A Smart Girl’s Guide: Body Image was written by a far-left activist and is marketed for children aged 3-12.

After the book hit the market on November 1, parents began noticing the radical gender ideology tucked inside the book from the once wholesome brand.

“If you haven’t gone through puberty yet, the doctor might offer medicine to delay your body’s changes, giving you more time to think about your gender identity,” one passage in the book states. “You can appreciate your body for everything it allows you to experience and still want to change certain things about it.”

The book also provides resources to transgender-related organizations for kids who don’t have an “adult you trust.”

“If you don’t have an adult you trust, there are organizations across the country that can help you. Turn to the resources on page 95 for more information,” the book states.

American Girl proudly announced the book in a press release earlier this month.

“Every girl needs to learn to live comfortably in her own skin, and this book will show the way!” the press release stated. “In these pages, a girl will find everything she needs to know about loving her unique self, staying confident through her body’s many changes, and appreciating her body for the life it lets her live. Full of activities, tips, crafts, and real-girl stories, this book is a feel-good reminder that all bodies are worthy of love and respect.”

The author, Mel Hammond, lists her pronouns as ‘she/her’ on LinkedIn. She has previously authored a book on climate change for American Girl.

Many parents took to the company’s Facebook page to voice their complaints.

“Long-time customer here…sadly, we are done with AG. You have lost our business and trust. Clearly, many other momma bears feel the same way…very sad,” a woman named Jacquelyn Christine commented on the brand’s Facebook page.

Another mother, Tamara Wess, responded to her, “it really is sad. I still remember how excited I was when I got my first AG doll when I was a little girl. I love buying their things for my daughters. But I want to buy my children dolls…not books with instructions on how to change their gender. They should focus on what parents want from them…toys.”

Others expressed their dismay in the comments on the book’s Amazon page.

“A book that encourages children to take puberty blockers (known to cause infertility and increase risk of cancer) if they don’t feel right in their own skin,” one user wrote. “AND gives them resources to do so behind their parents back? Is not okay. These kids hear about It enough in this world, there’s no reason to put It in a childrens book.”

Another stated, “a doctor does not assign your sex at birth. That is created long before you exit the birth canal. And telling girls it’s okay to use puberty blockers and to give them resources if their parents don’t approve? SICK!! This book should teach girls to be happy in your own GIRL body and how to accept that and be proud to be a girl.”

Timcast has reached out to American Girl for comment about the book’s contents. We will update this article if one is provided.

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